Discord Raid Bot | Premium v4 | Custom
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Product ImagesVersion premium del Raid Bot de Yung Samy | Gyazo, esta version es más potente, cuenta con más comandos, es más segura para tu cuenta y no hay riesgo de baneo de API durante el ataque.
Comandos:nuke - Delete Channels, Delete Roles
spam - Spam in all channels
cdel - Delete all Channels
rdel - Delete all Roles
ccr - Create Channels
vccr - Create Voice Channels
ctcr - Create Categories
rcr - Create Roles
rename - Change Guild Name
changeicon - Change Guild Icon
massban - Ban all members
kickall - Kick all members
msgall - Send spam dm to all members
nickall - Change nickname for all members
Si pagas con otro tipo de cripto, hablarme al instagram
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